sâmbătă, 1 ianuarie 2011

La multi ani 2011 :-)

Reţeta pentru un an bun

Se iau 12 luni si se curata foarte bine de amaraciune, mandrie, ura, frica, irascibilitate si stres.
Se imparte fiecare luna in 28-31 zile,dupa caz, astfel ca proviziile sa ajunga exact un an!
Fiecare zi se prepara separat: 1 parte munca, 1 parte liniste, 1 parte veselie si umor. Se mai adauga 3 linguri optimism, 1 lingura toleranta, o priza de bun simt si... O picatura de speranta!
Peste aluatul astfel obtinut se toarna apoi dragoste din belsug!
Preparatul gata facut se impodobeste cu un buchetel de curaj si incredere in sine.
Se serveste zilnic, cu bucurie, la o ceasca de cafea invioratoare si cu incredere inepuizabila in Dumnezeu!

Prezenta reteta nu se compeseaza, ea este gratuita si se transmite liber, insotita de LA MULTI ANI!

joi, 22 aprilie 2010

A BIC challenge masterpiece

We all use ballpoint pens almost everyday. I admit I tend to use ballpoint pens in different colors, as if an idea could somehow be expressed better if written in a certain color. I even have what other call a remarkable collection of pens and of anything that you can possible think a person would use for writing. 

Yet, it wasn't until today when I happened to run over a ballpoint pen drawing! :) Pleasantly suprising I might say. Go have a look:

BIC power

marți, 20 aprilie 2010

Which Mobile Framework Supports Cross Platform Application Development?

When we want to develop applications that should run on different O/S's like Android, iPhone, BlackBerry, Symbian and etc., we need to know what options we have. 

Since winning the Web 2.0 Expo LaunchPad competition in April 2009, PhoneGap has been widely recognized as a game-changer for mobile app development. The open source code has been downloaded more than 200,000 times and hundreds of apps built using PhoneGap are available in mobile app stores and directories. In 2009, PhoneGap was named by InfoWorld as a top emerging enterprise technology in the category "cross-platform mobile app development". The PhoneGap mission is to Web-enable native device functionality with open standards like HTML, CSS and JavaScript so that you can focus on the app you're building, not on authoring complex platform compatibility layers.
PhoneGap Roadmap

Rhodes is an open source framework to rapidly build NATIVE apps for all major smartphone operating systems (iPhone, Windows Mobile, RIM, Symbian and Android). These are true native device applications (NOT mobile web apps) which work with synchronized local data and take advantage of device capabilities such as GPS, PIM contacts and camera.

See also:
Whoop - everything mobile they say in just 4 steps! 

These are just a few options. More to come...hopefully! :-)

Top excuses for being late: "I dreamt I was already at work"

One-quarter of IT workers say they are late to work at least once a week, according to a survey from CareerBuilder.com, with 11% showing up late at least twice a week. Hiring managers contacted by the company gave some of the excuses offered by workers—from the legitimate and to the outrageous.

23% of managers say they have terminated an employee for being late :)

Among the top excuses for being late:
"I dreamt I was already at work"
"I had an early morning gig as a clown"
"It was too windy"

and of course, last but not least

"My dog swallowed my cell phone" -  poor dogs, from eating homewoirks to eating cell phones! 

I think that "late to bed and early to rise gives a programer blood-shot eyes" applies very well when it comes to IT workers. This would make a pretty good excuse :)

For more: Worst Excuses for Being Late to Work 

luni, 22 februarie 2010

Building energy-efficient cities

An interesting project. As the population that lives in cities is increasing at a rapid pace, energy efficiency becomes a global and crucial theme for the future. Ursula Eicker, of the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences, and Zerrin Yilmaz, of the Istanbul Technical University, are collaborating on a European research project, CITYNET, to help realise their shared vision for energy efficient cities. 

Efficient cities

I think it is important to keep an open mind, to consider a joint effort and support the development of the future! What we imagine today, become the place that we will inhabit tomorrow! :)

joi, 28 ianuarie 2010


by Michael Leonidas Dertouzos

Mind your prescriptions for the world.
Tone down your fears of techno-change.
Step outside your precious castles
Look within before the split
Fill the space that makes you whole
Enjoy the sunset
And the wheel.
Argue from logic
And emotion.
Technology is humanity's child
As is our quest for human purpose.
To love them is to love ourselves.
There are no differences.
Only labels.

~ discovered while attending a lecture held by prof.acad. Florin G. Filip

Glad to see that techies and humies are encouraged to collaborate. Always felt as being both and none at the same time. Too much of either is...too much. A little bit of both should suffice. More, it should lead to understanding and innovation.